After the storm

IMG_0919.JPGThis is a photograph of my backyard after Hurricane Irma. Out of the multiple trees that had fallen, the main one in this picture is one that I would like to talk about. If you look closely,  there is a green painted wooden chair. One that we would all rock on, and run across of when we played sports in the back yard. I am representing this to have religious value because this tree has been in holding down in the center of my yard since 1992 when my parents bought the house. It has experienced my family grow, play and live all around it.

After Irma, I look into my yard and it looks different. Actually, it looks sad that all that is left is a trunk of wood too heavy to carry. The happy spirit of my family and the history of the home continues but now we have lost a special piece.


In the second photograph, it is my oldest niece enjoying the rocking movement of the swing while playing on her IPAD weeks before Irma passed. Screen Shot 2017-10-01 at 7.00.48 PM.png

– Nicole Regalado

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