Feng Shui Elephants – Nicolas Stewart


The two images posted are pictures of elephants used in Feng Shui for good luck.  Feng Shui is Chinese and its main purpose is to harmonize those in it surrounding. Feng Shui is said to be closely linked with Taoism and Taoism is  a way of harmonization with the Tao. Many people use the Feng Shui elephants for good luck by placing the elephants at the front door with its trunk upwards. The elephants are placed this way as many people believe in the Feng Shui elephants to bring good luck into ones home. The Feng Shui elephants also can represent many other things, such as protection, love and fidelity, bonding of a mother and child, fertility, knowledge and academic success, energizing the career area, work success, and good management.

The two photographs were actually taken in my Aunts house. I noticed one elephant as I was walking into the kitchen pointing at the back door of the house ( which is the wrong way to be pointing according to my research). I didn’t think of it much then and remembered I had to do this assignment. Then the light bulb went off in my head and I started to wonder why does my aunt have these elephant if she is Hindu, then I remembered my mom has these elephants in my own house and we are Catholic.  From my perspective after doing some research, I find these Feng Shui elephants are supposed to be symbol of religion. Feng Shui is not a religion but a philosophical practice from the Chinese and it’s closely related to Taoism. Though from my perspective I see the Feng Shui elephants as a philosophical and religious device, it is obvious that many people use this as a style of decoration or know the general idea that it is for good luck.

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