“Black Robe” details the story of the first interaction between the Huron Indians of Quebec and the Jesuit missionaries from France. The goal of the Jesuit missionaries was to convert the Huron Indians into their religion of Catholicism. They truly believed they were doing the morally sound choice and were doing the right thing for everyone involved. Likewise, the Huron Indians were also solely driven by religious factors causing a similarity between the two groups. They were driven by same forces, but for different reasons. This highlights how the two groups are not that different from one another. Instead of communicating with one another and highlighting their similarities, they disregarded them, and used their differences and religious beliefs as a method of hatred and overpowering. Like most situations, we realize the truth behind a situation after it is too late and we’ve made our final decisions. After one of the characters falls in love with the Chief’s daughter, it takes the audience into a different outlook and helps to create the realization of equality and peace which was not seen before between the two groups. For me it highlights that even though it was too late to save the Natives, it is never too late to recognize the error of your ways and to focus on likeness rather than differences.

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