The sacred & The holy group one: Buddhism Axis Mundi & Discussion Question

Buddhist Sacred Temple Called a Stupa.

Buddhist Sacred Temple Called a Stupa.

Stupas and pagoda’s were originally simple mounds surrounded by four buildings but they eventually became powerful and meaningful structures and temples symbolizing the buddhist path to enlightenment. These buildings are used by Buddhist for a place of worship and they consider them the naval (center) of the world. It has three gateways to existence: The Terrestrial, The Celestial, and the Infernal Realms. The middle of this sacred space is called the “Womb” or “Egg”. The Buddhist see this as the creative source and power of the universe from where all the life flows from. The stupas and pagoda’s first appeared in buddhism in india as a place where the cremated remains of the buddha were placed. Most of their sacred time, happens in this sacred place.

Now my discussion question about this topic is:

Do you believe that Buddhist should have only the stupas and pagoda’s as a sacred place and time of worship? or do you believe that Buddhist can have different places of worship? As long as its sacred to them? Why or why not ?

-Stephany Quiroz

16 responses to “The sacred & The holy group one: Buddhism Axis Mundi & Discussion Question

  1. I agree with the comment above. I don’t believe that Buddhists should be limited to worshiping in only stupas and pagoda’s. Today I visited a Buddhist place of worship that was not either a stupa or pagoda and it was very evident that the people practicing the religion still considered the place to be sacred. I think they should be able to practice where they like as long as they themselves believe it is sacred.

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  2. Buddhist can have many places of worship and shouldn’t be limited to Stupas and Pagodas, because they don’t worship a God. Instead their life is dedicated to character building and reaching nirvana. As long as wherever they worship intensifies their learning, then that alone can be someplace sacred.

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  3. I think they can have different places of worship as long as it is sacred to them. Since they are the ones practicing their beliefs, they should be free to do so wherever they feel comfortable. Those who practice religion should not be confined to only a few spaces of worship and then not be allowed to practice their religion anywhere else. Some Buddhist consider their homes sacred spaces so they may use a section of their home to set up a shrine or a specific location where it is peaceful enough for them to worship/pray.

    -Samantha Perez


  4. Buddhists should be able to worship wherever it is they feel is a sacred place. If this sacred place can only be reached at stupas and pagodas than they should continue to worship at these locations. Their sacred place should be somewhere they have the ability to let go of all frivolous outside stresses and connect with their spirituality.

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  5. Buddhists should not be limited to only the stupas and pagoda’s as a sacred place and time of worship. Since Buddhists do not worship a God, worship is defined by practices that will lead to nirvana, or a permanent state of enlightenment. In my opinion, they should be granted the ability to practice wherever they desire, as long as it is sacred to them.


  6. Buddhists should be able to worship in any place they feel is sacred, as long as it is isolated from the profane. If they find a place that is sacred to them outside of stupas and pagodas, they can have sacred time to practice and mediate their religion.


  7. Yes I believe, Buddhist should be allowed to worship where ever they please. Just like the rest of us have anytime and place to worship they should too. If they see the location as a sacred ground to them, then by all means.


  8. Buddhist shouldn’t be limited to where they have to worship what they believe in. Although this religion does have places where to worship such as Stupas and Pagodas, its more about self growth and reaching nirvana therefore as long as the person practicing the religion believes the place where they are is sacred they should be free to do as they please.


  9. I can understand where it is Buddhist are standing when it comes to the rule of only practicing their religion in their sacred place, it is a tradition that roted itself from the begining and when humans become accostomed to something it is hard to change their view. That being said, I do not agree that these should be the only places they are allowed to worship. Religion, in my view, is supposebly something that individuals carry with them anywhere they go. To hold one back from practice because a geographic location does not seem right to me but thats just my opinion, they would have to change that rule only if they thought it truly necessary.


  10. This question is a little confusing to me… is there someone out there forcing Buddhists to ONLY worship in stupas and pagodas? The phrasing of this question is throwing me off. However, I understand the context and in my opinion, I think perhaps there needs to be a distinction between places of worship and personal scared spaces. For example, theres a popular line of scripture in Christianity that goes along the lines of ‘where two or more gather in my (God’s) name, I am there in the midst of them…’ meaning that as long as a group of people are together in worship, no matter how small the group is, it can be considered a sacred place of prayer. That does not necessarily mean that, all of a sudden, your living room is akin to that of a stupa or pagoda or church or whatever. Buddhists, just like Christians, Jews, ect.. should be free to pray and worship and meditate wherever they please and it can become a temporary time and place of sanctity for them. However, it should not be mistaken for something on the same level as the holy structures that were built for that purpose and with the concept of the axis mundi in mind.


  11. I feel like Buddhists should be allowed to practice their religion wherever they go. I feel like religion is something that people should be able to practice wherever they find that “special” place. It does not have to do with its direct location. What feels “religious” to me might not for someone else. They go to the stuppas and the pagodas because they feel it is sacred in the first place. So they could find that connection in other places too. Unless, they feel the stuppas and the pagodas are their only place.


  12. I agree with most others here, I beleive that Buddhist can worship anywhere and make whatever location they’re in sacred. I think that by being able to take their worship anywhere and make any location or time sacred allows Buddhist or anyone really to connect deeper to their religion. The ability to take your religion or beliefs with you wherever you go makes it that much more sacred and apart of the person you are.


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