Megan Project 2 – Nicolas Stewart

I took pictures of little clay pots called deyas a few weeks ago. These pots are used in Hinduism and are used for the “Eight days of Divali”. I took pictures of these assuming religion was relevant as the pots were decorated a certain way and placed with a candle in them. The candles weren’t just for lighting up a room as the wick is too small and that was my way of thinking at the time I took the photos. I took these two pictures in my aunts house and the pots were just placed in a book case with other miscellaneous objects . My aunt by birth and being raised was a catholic  until she married my uncle who is a Hindu. For as long as I’ve been born she has practiced Hinduism, but I’ve never seen her actually practice the religion.  I couldn’t ask her what these pots were and my dad who isn’t very religious sure didn’t know. So, I took my assumption these were just a religious decoration of some sort, but after looking this up I’ve realized this was part of a belief in Hinduism.

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